Monday, May 25, 2020

Healthy body and glowing skin

I watch a whole lot of Asian dramas primarily Korean. In almost all series, what I noticed was, the girls focusing a lot on skin care and weight. I used to be thin most of my life and in recent times I have put on weight. Inspired by what I watch, I wanted to focus on losing the gained weight. I have been using treadmill religiously for past 2 months. I have put a hold on strength training that I have been doing for 3 years because Of COVID 19. Looks like for my body type, cardio is more effective than strength training. I try to focus on diet and then I lose momentum. I don’t do anything special for my skin care. So, here’s my four part plan 1) Cardio for at least an hour 2) Watch what I eat 3) Hydrate 4) Skincare routine Let us see whether I reach my objective. I should stick to this at least until we go back to the office. I want it to become a habit. Wish me luck!!!!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Routine - comfortable but not fulfilling

There was a time when I thought the word “routine” as very plain and undesirable. Now day in and day out, my life has this routine. I always thought life would be nice colorful. But I realized that I am stuck in gray tones. It is not black because I have children in my life but I do not want their presence to define me. As I existed before my children were born. If I lean on them to bring color in my life, then my future would be definitely black. So need to think what will bring color back in my life. Probably should start wearing lipsticks more. Or probably have chameleon as a pet. Routine is most definitely boring but oddly has a false image of comfort. It feels safe to stick with routine but heart,s desire is not fulfilled. Not sure what it is longing for - something more towards life - something purposeful. I feel less keen to face the daily battles and struggles. I wish my overactive brain can take some rest. Tired.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Mood of the day

Back to the overflowing optimism and all is well in my beautiful little world. I was able to finish listening to Venkatesan Kalyanam. Came in to work earlier than usual and feeling absolutely awesome as I came in Before the rain started. Now I can enjoy the rain sitting at my desk with hot coffee on my hand.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Bad day Alert

I am usually upbeat and happy go lucky person. When the new day begins, I am filled with optimism. And that trait is the one I consider as my best trait. Today the overflowing optimism that I was filled with in the morning has been replaced by a dark black cloud of sadness and self-pity in the night. It is like I am being held in contempt because of the fender bender yesterday. I am tired and don’t want to be the face of all the loathing. I wish the day will end soon. So a new day filled with optimism can begin. Update: feeling better after watching a movie. Good night.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Same old same old

It has been a while since I wrote anything. Nothing spectacular happened. I just wanted to talk to a void. Life has become such a routine. Once upon a time, I used to shudder when I hear the word “routiene” and now it has become a normalcy. That doesn’t mean same thing happens day in and day out after all it is not like in Groundhog day. I went to Washington DC for a week and it was the much needed break in routine. It was great to get away from the daily bustle. But am glad to come back to two ecstatic kids who clearly missed their mom. My 6 and 3 year sons flooded me with hugs and kisses and made me the happiest person in the world. Today I am in depths of depression (as Annie would day) because I caused a fender bender at the parking lot. Kind of irritated by my stupid decision when little part of my brain was telling me that the space isn’t enough. That is the reason I wanted to speak to a void so I can feel better. I feel Extremely guilty. Lately I have been internalizing my feelings so much that today I just wanted to write it down and get it over with like I used to long time back. But when I wanted to write something I just don’t want to write about unpleasant things I want to write about something going that is why I wrote about my sons.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Eating Right

From the time I have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, I have started eating healthy. I switched from white rice to brown rice and when i got pregnant, i started counting my calories.

My son is 7 months now but I have stopped counting calories and indulging myself in sweets, snacks and all bad things. The reason why is because, I had stopped eating all those when I was pregnant that I feel like eating it all the time. Snacking has become a habit.

So I have decided to start eating right again from today on.
Instead of snacks, I brought fruits to work. Strawberries, black berries, grapes, banana and orange.

Let us see how long this "Eating Right" thing works!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Nothing Day!

Good Morning all.

I have been wanting a sounding board past few weeks and I thought I will share my life with nobody and here I am coz I know no one reads my blog.

What's new about today? Nothing
What's different from anyother day? Apart from Kanu and lousy traffic, nothing else!

But when i got up in the morning, I felt it is a good day and it has been a good day even with lousy traffic.
Is it probably because I got to spend some time with my handsome young son in the morning which I never get to do
Is it because i washed my hair and I felt fresh from head to toe
Is it because I did eye makeup after a month break? I am sure it is the first reason or am I?

Yippeee! MY OCI card is ready to be shipped.

Today morning brought a smile to my face and I wanted to share the happiness with every one! Hope you all have a happy day just like me..................

Happy Maatu pongal every one!